We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Risk & Financial Management
Whatever your mix of farm enterprises, all farms need to be informed about risk management and financial planning. This page highlights PFI’s resources on the topic, ranging from insurance products to hiring employees to farm finances and business planning. Additional resources from government agencies are provided as well.
PFI Resources
the latest on Business Planning
External Risk Management Resources
RMA is an agency within the USDA. It has three program areas: Insurance Services, which provides federal crop insurance to American farmers; Product Management, which develops and reviews crop insurance products to ensure actuarial soundness; and Compliance, which monitors federal crop insurance programs.
For questions related to programs in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, contact the St. Paul RMA regional office: RSOMN@rma.usda.gov; 651-290-3304
Farm Commons is a nonprofit organization providing farmers with the proactive legal counsel they need to become the resilient base of a healthy food system. Their website provides extensive resources and information about workers, business structures, land matters, food safety, sales and contracts, value-added/tourism, and insurance.
Ag Decision Maker is a decision-oriented agricultural business website designed for farmers, lenders, farm managers, agriculture instructors, and others. Ag Decision Maker is written by economics and farm management specialists at Iowa State University and other Universities and institutions across the Midwest.