We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
If you’re an experienced farmer who wants to train the next generation of farmers or are a farmer looking to get paid, on-the-job training with experienced farmers in Iowa, our Labor4Learning program is for you!
The Labor4Learning program is designed to pair beginning farmers seeking employment and additional
Farmer Trainers
Trainer applications open each fall. Trainers must recruit, interview and hire an employee that is a good fit for their farm position. PFI provides a trainer orientation and other support. Trainer applicants represent a wide range of enterprises and production practices in Iowa. To qualify, Labor4Learning trainers must be PFI members and should have a desire to mentor the next generation of farmers.
Farmer Trainees
For any questions about the Labor4Learning program, contact Martha McFarland at martha.mcfarland(at)practicalfarmers(dot)org.