We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
From corn farmers to vegetable growers to graziers, all farmers have an interest in land stewardship. Practical Farmers’ conservation and habitat program brings our farmer-led approach to on-farm, working lands conservation. In general, our work is divided into four major functional areas: in-field conservation, edge-of-field conservation, grazing and pasture-lands conservation, and set-aside. Explore each area and learn more about Practical Farmers’ conservation and habitat programming:
- Learn more about functional habitat areas
- Explore PFI’s habitat funding opportunities
- Discover other habitat resources and partnering organizations
- Browse the latest resources on habitat from PFI
- Contact PFI staff
“When I think about the most joyful times I’ve had out at my farm, it’s when I’ve seen some wildlife—a deer, or a fox or coyote. The habitat provides some of the most meaningful moments and helps you make the connection with your land in a way that nothing else does.”
-Clark Porter
“We want our daughter – and other kids – to live on this planet for a long time, and the best way is to be good stewards of the land and take conservation seriously.”
-Wendy Johnson, Charles City, IA
Funding Opportunities
Beneficial Insects Cost-Share
Practical Farmers is excited to offer support for small-scale urban farmers who would like to plant beneficial insects habitat to increase pollination and natural predation on their urban farm. These farms serve communities with local produce or products such as fruits, vegetables, herbs or honey.
PFI and its partner Xerces Society will provide a customized conservation plan and pay for native plants and other costs associated in creating insectary strips or beetle banks.
Habitat Incentives Program
Are you interested in conservation practices that improve water quality, build soil health, address climate change and provide critical native habitat for wildlife? Practical Farmers of Iowa is now offering a habitat incentives program to help you achieve your goals by providing technical and financial support to implement conservation practices on your farm.
Functional Areas
In-Field Conservation
Just like it sounds, in-field conservation refers to conservation practices that are implemented within a production field. Such practices might include: no-till/strip-till; cover crops; manure management; extended crop rotations; precision nutrient management; and integrated pest management strategies.
Practical Farmers has a long history of promoting, researching, and sharing stories and science related to in-field conservation practices. Some selected articles, reports, and blogs related to in-field conservation include:
- Blog: Wildlife and Continuous Living cover: What Does the Research Say?
- Blog: Cover Crop and Reduced Tillage Benefits in the Field and Beyond
Learn more about PFI’s Cover Crops program.
Edge-of-Field Conservation
In addition to its in-field conservation programming and research, Practical Farmers’ members have recently expressed more interest in edge-of-field conservation. Common edge-of-field conservation practices include: buffer strips; filter strips; riparian buffers; constructed wetlands; water and sediment control basins; drainage water control structures; bioreactors; and saturated buffers. Selected articles, reports, and blogs related to edge-of-field conservation include:
- Farminar: Installing and Maintaining Prairie Strips
- Field Day Recap: Beneficial Insect Habitat at Grinnell Heritage Farm
- Farminar: Using Natives to Create Pollinator Habitat: A Guide to Native Restoration
- Research Report: “Annual Wildflower and Herb Mix for Pollinators”
Grazing and Pasture Conservation
Although conservation within grazing and pasture systems is often classified as in-field conservation, managing pasture-based grazing operations for conservation benefits presents unique challenges and opportunities. Selected articles, reports, and blogs related to grazing and pasture-land conservation include:
- Research Report:” Monitoring Birds in Rotationally Grazed Pasture, 2017 Update”
- Field Day Recap: Using Managed Grazing and CSP to Enhance Biodiversity
- Field Day Recap: Grazing Heritage Cattle & Sheep on Converted Crop Ground and Prairie
Set-aside generally refers to the act of removing land from production, either for a specific time period or permanently. Many easement programs associated with the U.S. Farm Bill can be considered set-aside programs. Set-aside usually incorporates varying types of perennial cover and can either consist of large chunks of land or smaller pieces distributed across a farm. When designed and located appropriately, set-aside can have tremendous benefits for on-farm conservation and risk management. Selected articles, reports, and blogs related to set-aside include:
- Field Day Recap: Multiple Benefits from Wetlands, Prairies and Cover Crops
- Field Day Recap: Grazing Heritage Cattle & Sheep on Converted Crop Ground and Prairie
Other PFI Resources
- Conference Session: Landowners: Prioritizing Conservation on Rented Ground
- Blog: Clark Porter: Conservation in Estate Planning
The Latest from PFI on Conservation & Habitat
Non-PFI Resources
Technical Assistance and Financial Assistance
The following organizations provide technical and/or financial assistance to individuals seeking to restore, manage, and improve habitat and conservation practices on privately-owned lands. Click each link below for more information and contact information for each organization.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS):
- Working Lands Financial Assistance (Conservation Stewardship Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program)
- Easements (Agricultural Land Easements, Wetland Reserve Easements)
- Conservation Technical Assistance
- Find a technical service provider
- Find your local USDA Service Center
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA):
Iowa Department of Natural Resources:
- Iowa DNR Wildlife Landowner Assistance Homepage
- Iowa DNR Wildlife Technical Assistance
- Iowa DNR Native Prairie, Wetland, and Wildlife Habitat Tax Exemption
- Iowa Habitat and Access Program (IHAP)
- Iowa DNR Cost-Share Information
- Find your local Iowa DNR Private Lands Biologists
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach:
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation:
- Pollinator Conservation Resources – Great Lakes Region (Eastern Iowa)
- Pollinator Conservation Resources – North Central Region (Western Iowa)
- Invertebrate Conservation Fact Sheets
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever:
- Iowa PF/QF Habitat Programs
- Precision Agriculture
- Seed Program
- Iowa PF/QF Staff (includes maps of private lands biologist areas of responsibility)
- Find a biologist
Other organizations that offer conservation resources:
- Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
- Conservation Districts of Iowa
- National Wild Turkey Federation
- Ducks Unlimited
- Trees Forever
- Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
Contact Information
For more information about wildlife and habitat conservation, contact Grace Yi at grace.yi[at]practicalfarmers[dot]org or Brad Woodson at brad.woodson[at]practicalfarmers[dot]org.
For more information about grazing conservation, contact Margaret Chamas at margaret.chamas[at]practicalfarmers[dot]org.